The BEEPER REM101 is a parking aid system without bumper piercing, which alerts the driver during a reversing manoeuvre. As parking has become an increasingly important daily constraint, the BEEPER REM101 will ensure your comfort and safety during each manoeuvre.
Kit composition
For increased comfort
The electronic buzzer of the BEEPER REM101 can be placed in the boot for an effective sound alert. The latter, of very small size, has a sound power of 92dB. It is equipped with a mini central with a double-sided sticker for quick and easy gluing in the boot, the installation is done by two connectors :
- 1 connector for the power supply and the buzzer
- 1 connector for the electro-magnetic strip. Its electromagnetic strip, 2 cm wide and 2.25 m long, will detect obstacles up to 80 cm from your bumper thanks to the emission of an electromagnetic field.
The REM101 has two different warning levels :
- Rapid beeping sounds from 80 cm to 40 cm
- A continuous beep, from 40 cm to 20 cm
Simplified installation
The electromagnetic technology allows to pass through the plastic of the bumper. The strip is therefore placed in the bumper for an undeniable aesthetic gain. No more holes in the bumper, no more sensors to paint, no more technical risks during installation !
You have the possibility to cut the electromagnetic strip in order to adapt it perfectly to your bumper.
WARNING • VEHICLES THAT DO NOT ALLOW AN APPLIANCE TO BE CONNECTED TO THE REVERSING LIGHT HARNESSOn certain vehicles the +12 V reversing light is interfered with when the engine is running which can disturb the correct operation of the reversing radar kit. In other cases, this +12 V reversing Light does not allow any additional appliance. For all these vehicles, Beeper has developed the RCANR2 module in order to retrieve the +12V Reversing Light information from the CANBUS network. This module connects to the CANBUS of the compatible vehicle and provides a +12V Reversing Light for the connection of a reversing camera. You will find this RCANR2 canbus module by clicking HERE Product not compatible with metal bumper and vehicle equipped with coupling The BEEPER REM101 is of course a complete kit, delivered with all the accessories necessary for the assembly, as well as a simple and clear assembly instructions.