Electric scooter LITE • FX1L

: FX1L4

The Beeper LITE electric scooter is THE society scooter.

Its small size and light weight make it a ultimate urban scooter.

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Electric scooter LITE • FX1L

Electric scooter LITE • FX1L


Discover the Beeper LITE electric scooter

The Beeper LITE electric scooter is the ideal scooter for all your short trips around town, whether for leisure or daily commuting (home-school / home-work). Thanks to its light weight, it is easily transportable, allowing you to take it anywhere with you, with ease.

On top of that, the Beeper LITE scooter folds in seconds and becomes ultra-compact !


Why choose the Beeper LITE ?

Beeper LITE is an ideal electric scooter for :

- Peri-urban people looking for a daily and complementary mode of transport, for the last kilometres
- Teenagers (from 12 years old) looking for a mode of transport to get to school

The advantages of the Beeper LITE

Light as a feather

With its compact size, aluminium frame and lithium-ion battery, the Beeper LITE is an ultra-light electric scooter.

It weighs only 8,4 kg for the FX1L4 version and 8,5 kg for the FX1L5 version, making it very easy to carry around and a real everyday companion.

Ultra compact

Lightness and compactness are the greatest strengths of the Beeper LITE.

Its easy and secure folding thanks to its lever wheel, allows you to limit its size to a maximum, for a 100% practical transport.

The plus ? Its handles unscrew in the blink of an eye, to make it even more compact.

• Dimensions unfolded : 930 x 430 x (935-1030) mm

• Dimensions folded : 830 x 150 x 280 mm

Small but powerful

Small in size, but big in talent - that's what the Beeper LITE is all about !

Equipped with a brushless motor of 350W max (250W nominal) and a battery of 4 to 5 Ah (depending on the chosen version), the Beeper LITE is ready to ensure speed and reactivity during your daily trips.

The Beeper LITE has a 3 speed menu, to reach a maximum speed of 23 km/h :
- Speed 1 = 6 km/h maximum
- Speed 2 = 15 km/h maximum
- Speed 3 = 23 km/h maximum

Our scooter is therefore 100% compatible with the EDPM regulations published in 2019.

As for autonomy, the Beeper LITE electric scooter will allow you rides of 6 to 10 km (depending on the chosen version). 

As a reminder, autonomy varies according to many factors :
- the user (weight, build)
- the weather (temperature, rain, wind)
- the quality of the road (asphalt, gravel, paving stones)
- the routes taken (elevation gain, sloping or flat)
- the type of driving (jerky or constant use of the accelerator, and speed)
These factors should be taken into account when using your Personal Displacement Vehicle, the indicated autonomy is a data tested according to specific driving conditions.

*Maximum autonomy for a person weighing approximately 60 kg, at constant speed.

The plus ? Are you running out of battery ? Its light weight allows you to use it as a kick scooter.

Easy to handle

Simple and efficient. The handlebars of the Beeper LITE have been designed for an easy and intuitive use. No hidden buttons, everything is right there at your fingertips :
- A bell to warn of your arrival;
- Easy to engage triggers for the brake and accelerator;
- A clear, uncluttered display to track your various trip data (speed, mileage, battery level).

In short, a real child's play !

Well thought out and equipped

In terms of driving comfort, again the Beeper LITE scooter has nothing to be ashamed of :
- Its handlebars are easily adjusted in height (from 0 to 21 cm), to adapt to all, small and large.
- Its front suspension, absorbs shocks for a smoother ride
- Its retractable stand, deploys quickly for all your breaks

Safety is in order

In terms of security, everything is also there :
- A platform with a non-slip grip tape for more stability
- A bell for driving in town without surprising other users
- LED lighting at the front (removable) and at the back to be seen in all circumstances
A double brake system (electric and mechanical) to stop you quickly

Ideal for everyone

Thanks to its ultra-light weight and complete equipment, the Beeper LITE electric scooter is suitable for everyone, young and old.

Indeed, it will be ideal both for teenagers who are looking for a practical way to go to school, college or high school, as well as for workers who are looking for a compact mode of transport for the last kilometers separating them from their workplace.

Ultra complete guarantees


10 year guarantee

Electronics and Mechanics

3 year guarantee

Battery & charger

1 year guarantee

An efficient after-sales service

Parts available

Beeper is committed to making all spare parts for the Beeper LITE available for a minimum of 36 months*

Technicians who listen to you

Based in our premises, our technical team is at your disposal to help you in case of questions about the use of your Beeper LITE or in case of technical problems.

*See complete terms in our GCASS 
Display type
LCD • Black & White • Multifunction
Weight (in kg)
8.4 kg (FX1L4) / 8.5 kg (FX1L5)
Speed 1 : 6 km/h • Speed 2 : 15 km/h • Speed 3 : 23 km/h
Lithium-ion 25,2V • 4.0Ah or 5.0Ah according to version
29,4V • 1,5
930 x 430 x (935 x 1030) mm
Side and folding
Electric trigger brake / Mechanical rear foot brake
6 to 10 km (depending on version)
Packaging dimensions
905 x 210 x 345 mm
100,8 Wh / 126 Wh depending on version
Front 6'' (15,2 cm) / Rear 5,5'' (14 cm)
Solid (not inflated)
Ground clearance
6,3 cm
Platform height from the ground
9,5 cm
Yes • Secured
Handlebar height from 80 to 102 cm (3 levels)
Audible warning
Lights and signage
Front (removable) & rear LED lights
Maximum slope
Charging time
2h30 to 3h00 (depending on version)
Folded dimensions
830 x 150 x 280 mm

Specific References

Reviews about this product

Based on 71 reviews

  • 4

    Peu puissant, pour les gabarits légers .

  • 5

    Je sais pas

  • 4

    Bonne trottinette ! Personnellement, son poids p 10 degrés, il faudra pousser....CELA M EST ÉGAL. Je suis satisfait de mon achat. SALUTATIONS.

  • 1

    Étant bon client chez beeper avec une beeper max G2 acheté en magasin, plus plusieurs pièces acheté sur le site, j’ai voulu offrir la beeper lite à ma nièce de 12 ans pour les trajets à faire juste aller au collège à 100m environ , mais à mon grand regret après seulement 5 utilisation a peine 4/5km le compteur de la trottinette ne s’allume plus et ne fonctionne plus du tout ?? Je suis très déçu

    Merchant's answer

    Bonjour, nous avons bien reçu votre produit le 13/03, celui-ci a été traité et réexpédié le 14/03 :) Je vous souhaite une très bonne utilisation de votre trottinette Beeper ! Morgane - Le Service Client Beeper

  • 5

    Meilleure trotinette electrique pour ados

  • 4

    Premesso che lo uso da una settimana, per ora mi trovo bene. Adatto a me che devo prendere pi mezzi e fare tratti di 1km a piedi (ora con monopattino).Aspetti positivi: Facile da aprire e chiudere, poco ingombrante e relativamente leggero. Maneggevole anche per salire e scendere dal treno e fare scale con tanta gente intorno. Non l'ho provato sulla metropolitana, penso sia un pochino pi difficoltoso per la maggiore ressa. Ruote piene, anti foro.Aspetti negativi: Io peso 58kg e la velocità massima che raggiunge in piano è 20km/h. A me va bene, ma se appena c'è un po' di pendenza, la velocità scende drasticamente. Le ruote piccole e piene fan si che si senta ogni minima irregolarità sull'asfalto. Quindi attenzione a rotaie del tram e tombini. Una cosa che assolutamente aggiungerei è un blocco all'asta del manubrio. Non c'è modo appunto di bloccarlo e se lo si prende su da aperto, ti arriva una stangata della parte inferiore del monopattino sulle gambe. Mi sono guadagnata diversi ematomi. Credo sia un aspetto facilmente migliorabile e spero lo tengano in considerazione per il futuro.Non è sicuramente un monopattino con il quale fare lunghi tragitti, ma per piccoli tratti lo trovo ottimo.

  • 1

    6 km plat 70 kg, en dessous de 3 barres il faut saider avec les pieds.

  • 4

    Je ne peux tre objectif quant à l'utilisation du produit , n'ayant pas le recul en tant qu'utilisateur . Pour dire que cela ne correspond à mon besoin , sans remettre en question la solidité et le confort . En vous souhaitant une bonne continuation . Si je puis me permettre , il me semble qu'une information du code de la route est nécessaire afin de l'utiliser dans la notice fournie dans le colis

  • 1

    Mon fils s'en servir uniquement pour aller et revenir du collège et elle ne tient pas du tout sous la pluie elle glisse énormément du coup multiples chutes emm, très très déçu

  • 5

    Utilisation en villages de campagne, roues solides, rapide et légère

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